Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Seond Life: In Search of God

I have always been a "techie." I enjoyed gadgets and robots and machines even as a child. When Pong came put I was spending the few quarters I had every chance I got; when my nephew (now almost 42) got this first Atari, I fought him for the controller! Truly, I was a master of Pong. Then along came Asteroids, and Missile Command and the response reaction times grew slower and my nephew was quickly beating me at every game we played. Forget Pac Man or Donkey Kong or Mario, I was just not good at these games.

But last summer a good friend had me over for dinner, and her husband challenged us to bowl on the Wii. My life has been forever changed! We fish, box, bowl and swim with the Wii, and later this summer, I will re-live my childhood and exercise with a hula hoop via the Wii-Fit!

Yes, I am back. But for the purposes of a paper I have to write/deliver, I'm not exploring the Wii but instead will be taking a different route: I'm entering Second Life in Search of God.
Stay Tuned