Saturday, January 27, 2007

Flat Screen Fatties

Hey! All of you out there with wide screen TVs:
Why do you insist on filling the screen when you’re watching broadcast TV?

For years we’ve all been looking at a TV which is almost square.
Threatened by TV, the Movie Industry began making movies that were bigger and bigger, and finally settled on making movies that were wider than the TV “square”…
Now, TV is getting bigger (and wider)
But TV shows have not followed (unless you’re watching in HD)
So: If you have a wide screen TV you ought to be watching broadcast TV with what we call letter boxing on the side.

OK: all of this is way too complicated for a mindless blog,
But when you fill the screen with the picture, can’t you see that all these newscasters and weather people and actors and actresses have suddenly put on 20 pounds? I’ve sat in a room with people who have wide screen TV and showed them the difference:
“Here’s what it’s supposed to look like (switch) here’s what you’re watching…
Can you SEE the difference?”
“Yeah” they’ll reply, “But I like the screen filled.”
Nevermind that it’s just plain WRONG

I know that we’re a country of obese people, and maybe that’s the reason we feel comfortable watching all those flat screen fatties on TV: they make the rest of us feel downright slim.
So: Forget the diet! Forget the exercise! Want to feel thin?
Go buy a wide screen TV!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
